At Denver Revival Center, we believe in the unmatched power of God to break every chain, shatter strongholds, and bring freedom to the captives. Deliverance isn’t just something we talk about—it’s something we live and see in action every day. Jesus came to set you free, and we are passionate about seeing His people walk in complete freedom and victory.


We believe deliverance is the heartbeat of the gospel. Jesus didn’t come to leave us bound, broken, or defeated—He came to destroy the works of darkness and set His people free! When the Spirit of the Lord moves, chains fall, demons flee, and lives are transformed.

This is not just a ministry for the past; it’s for today. We’ve seen the fire of God fall, and lives are never the same. Deliverance is not just a moment; it’s an encounter with the living God who calls you into freedom. If Jesus declared, “It is finished,” then no bondage has the right to stay in your life.


Here at Denver Revival Center, we have seen the undeniable hand of God. People have been set free from addiction that held them for decades. Families that were falling apart have been restored by the power of the Holy Spirit. Individuals tormented by fear, anxiety, and depression have found peace and joy in the presence of God.

We’ve seen chains break, demonic oppression lifted, and bodies healed. These are not just stories—they are the evidence of a God who is alive and moving here and now. Your breakthrough could be next.

We would also love to hear your story! If you have a testimony of what God has done in your life, fill out the form below to share it with us. If you’d prefer to tell your story in person, please let us know, and we’ll connect with you.


At Denver Revival Center, we believe that salvation is coming to your family, your friends, and your city! God’s heart is for the lost, and we are standing with you in faith for the people you love to encounter Jesus and surrender their lives to Him.

Our Salvation Board is more than just names—it’s a declaration that every soul listed will be saved in Jesus’ name. You can add names in person or through the form below. We are praying with you, believing that your family will be saved, your friends will be saved, your community will be saved, and Denver will be saved! Together, we declare that the harvest is here, and the kingdom of God is advancing.

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